21 Jan

By Michael Jumba

Climate change denial is the act of denying the reality of climate change. It is disingenuous because it is often based on cherry-picked data, false claims, and misinformation. It is dangerous because it can delay action on climate change, which is already causing devastating impacts on people and the planet.

Here are five reasons why climate change denial is disingenuous and dangerous:

1. It is based on cherry-picked data: Climate change deniers often cherry-pick data to support their claims. For example, they may cite a particular year that was unusually cooler than average to claim that global warming is not happening. However, this cherry-picked data does not change the overall trend of global warming.

2. It uses false claims: Climate change deniers often use false claims to support their position. For example, they may claim that global warming is not happening because the Earth has not warmed for the last 15 years. However, this claim is false – the Earth has continued to warm during this time period.

3. It uses logical fallacies: Climate change deniers often use logical fallacies to support their position. For example, they may claim that global warming is not happening because it is cold outside today. However, this argument is based on the false dilemma fallacy – the idea that there are only two possible outcomes and one of them must be true. In reality, there are many possible outcomes and it is possible for both global warming to be happening and for it to be cold outside today.

4. It uses false analogies: Climate change deniers often use false analogies to support their position. For example, they may claim that global warming is not happening because the Earth has gone through cycles of warming and cooling in the past. However, this argument is based on the false analogy fallacy – the idea that because two things are similar in some ways, they must be similar in all ways. In reality, there is a significant difference between the natural cycles of warming and cooling that the Earth has experienced in the past, and the rapid and unprecedented rise in global temperatures that we are currently experiencing.

5. It relies on personal testimony: Deniers often claim that they don’t believe in climate change because they haven’t personally experienced it. However, this argument is based on the personal testimony fallacy – the idea that because someone hasn’t experienced something, it must not be real. In reality, climate change is a global phenomenon that is not always immediately apparent at a local level.

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