14 Feb

By Michael Jumba

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a set of technologies that can be used to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from industrial processes, power generation, and other sources. CCS involves capturing carbon dioxide emissions and storing them in underground geological formations, or using them for enhanced oil recovery.

CCS technologies can play an important role in reducing global carbon emissions and moving towards a more sustainable future. However, more research and development is needed to make these technologies more efficient, cost-effective, and safe.  Below are some research areas that researchers could take on in this area:

  1. Experimental investigation of the carbon capture efficiency of CCS technologies for different types of industrial facilities.
  2. Quantitative analysis of the potential role of CCS in achieving the Paris Agreement's temperature goals.
  3. Study of the environmental and economic benefits of CCS deployment in large-scale energy systems.
  4. Development of advanced materials and technologies for improving the efficiency and lowering the costs of CCS.
  5. Investigation of the geological and hydrological factors affecting the safety and viability of CCS storage sites.
  6. Analysis of the regulatory and policy framework needed to support the deployment of CCS at the national and international levels.
  7. Examination of the public perception and acceptance of CCS as a climate change mitigation strategy.
  8. Assessment of the long-term sustainability of CCS in the context of the global energy transition.
  9. Research on the synergies and trade-offs between CCS and other low-carbon technologies, such as renewable energy and energy efficiency.
  10. Evaluation of the social and distributional impacts of CCS deployment on local communities and vulnerable groups.
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